Daylighting analysis in Indonesia and sustainability is basically a very important aspect in architecture and it helps you clean building with time saving and dynamic approaches. Architecture today has various tools to offer and to empower the generation in terms of healthy living and sustenance. Daylight is a definitely an important part of design and it can make your environment look healthier through measurements as well. The daylight analysis that determines the amount of daylight which is basically reflected from a given surface and this can be conducted on the roof of the building. One will be able to measure and balance the amount of heat and light that can be reflected from a place. There are different buildings that reflect various behaviours and that are mainly influenced by a few factors such as – The properties of the given material, the important angle of incident light and the wavelength of the light source.
Here are a few benefits of Daylighting Analysis in Indonesia
1. Thermal comfort and balance of temperature
2. Enough flow of light
3. Reduction in Electric lightings
4. Improvement of energy efficiency
5. Improvement of colour rendering
6. Improvement of well-being of occupants
7. Control and balance of the solar heat
Sustainability- Sustainability is the ultimate motive and as we know that. The artificial lighting of the buildings use 15% of the annual electricity and that is reduced by 50-70% of the electricity when modern lighting and daylighting can be combined effectively. This is a very important aspect all around re world for smart cities to remain sustainable.
Here is how you can do it all better –
• Select appropriate light fittings –You must only require to you light fittings that can save your energy costs and have optimal use for it as well. If lighting designs are pre-planned you will be able to contribute to natural daylighting as well.
• Daylight delivery systems –As we know that daylight plays a very important role in developing a sustainable and healthy environment.
Daylight system and sustainability in buildings make sure that you are comfortable living in and do not have to use any artificial temperature control such as HVAC systems. Sustainability on the other hand relates to healthy living where proper materials are fixed in the building to make to adjust and help keep your environment clean and comfortable as well.